Anthem-Video Game

4 years ago

Theme of the game is Anthem of Creation a powerful and mysterious force facing many strange technologies threats and threats to the world In the story

Anthem is an online multiplayer action video game .Anthem was developed by BioWare and published by Electronic Arts. 


Anthem is set on an unnamed planet in which players assume the role of Freelancers, heroic adventurers who wear powerful exosuits to defend humanity from the threats beyond their cities walls


The theme of the game is Anthem of Creation, a powerful and mysterious force facing many strange technologies, threats and threats to the world. In the main story, the player's Freelancer is tasked with setting up a Disaster Monitor to take over the Anthem control.


Third Person Shooting:

Anthem combines third-person shooter and action role-playing game elements in a contiguous open world  shared with up to three other players. Each player takes the role of a Freelancer donning fully customizable exosuits called Javelins.


Anthem features four unique Javelin variants which the player unlocks while progressing through the game. Each Javelin features unique attributes and abilities that encourage different styles of play and evoke classic role-playing game character archetypes[clarification needed


The Ranger is the Javelin players begin the game with, and is considered the all-around master of combat the Colossus is the largest and slowest, but the most resilient and features a large shield to absorb attacks or hit enemies; the Interceptor is the fastest and most agile, specializing in quick close-quarters melee strikes;and the Storm is the least armored, but can remain airborne the longest, allowing it to attack from a distance with blasts of elemental energies.


Players can build relationships with various non-playable characters, but they cannot build 

romantic relationships with them, as was common in previous BioWare games.


The game features both single-player and cooperative multiplayer elements in a shared world that can have up to four squad members per team. Teams can fight with beasts and marauders while exploring lost ruins and experiencing massive, world-altering terrain occurrences, such as Shaper Storms.



Download Link:

Click here to go to link

Release Date:

Anthem was released  for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on February 22, 2019.

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