Halo Infinite's New Teaser Trailer hints at a past enemy

3 years ago

The new teaser doesn't show us anything about the Halo Infinite itself other then an audio message from what seems to be Atriox, a major character from Halo Wars 2

343 Industries released a new teaser video today for the upcoming installment in the long-running series.

The new teaser doesn't show us anything about the Halo Infinite itself other then an audio message from what seems to be Atriox, one of the primary characters from Halo Wars 2.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">SIGNAL DETECTED <a href="https://t.co/LNQcoc4spA">pic.twitter.com/LNQcoc4spA</a></p>&mdash; Halo (@Halo) <a href="https://twitter.com/Halo/status/1275806134142525440?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">June 24, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

“The hour approaches. Forces occupy the ring. Within hours, it will be under our control. Humanity will burn. The brazen defiance will be all but a memory. No more Prophets. No more lies. We stand together, brothers to the end. We are his will, we are his legacy, we are The Banished.”

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What We Already Knew:

Atriox is the leader of a group known as The Banished. The Banished are a mercenary organization set up after a rebellion in the Covenant Empire, the alien antagonists in the Halo series. The teaser trailer concludes with the Banished’s symbol briefly appearing on screen before then coming to a close.

Again, there’s not a ton to make out from this new footage, but it does seem to provide us with some insight with where things could be going narratively. Based on previous footage we’ve seen of the game, it hasn’t been quite clear how long the story is picking up after the events of Halo 5: Guardians. Other details such as why in the Halo Infinite E3 2019 trailer, Master Chief is found floating through space and we don't know why as of yet and this new trailer doesn't seem to have cleared that up either.

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What We Found Out:

What has been made clear, is that Chief will seemingly be the main playable character once again. And from the looks of things, the story takes place on a Halo ring, much like the original installment in the series.

Release Date Speculations:

We don't know much about when the game is going to be released as there has been no official date given nor a clue about when. What we can speculate that it is going to be released along side the Xbox series X.The game will also be releasing on the Xbox One and PC, too.

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