Spider-Man: Miles Morales - The first PS5 Spider-man game

3 years ago

Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales, an upcoming Spider man game, exclusive for PS5. The game is based on the animated "Spider man into the spider verse"

Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales is an upcoming action adventure game. It is being developed by Insomniac Games and will be published by Sony Interactive Entertainment for the PlayStation 5.

Available Platforms for Spider Man Miles Morales

This game will only be available for PS5, so in order to play it, you must have to buy the Sony's product ( Playstation 5 ).

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About Spider Man: Miles Morales

Sony is making a new entry in the spiderman series with this game. This game is named after an animated movie Spiderman Into The Spider Verse. The character Miles appears in that movie as the main focal personality who learns to overcome his fears after becoming spider man & meeting other spider mans & womans from other universes. Yeah, his uncle dies too...

Story of the game

Miles gets bitten by a genetically-enhanced spider and gains spidey powers similar to Peter Parkers. In this game, Peter Parker dies and instructs miles to be like him and after he is gone forever, so that he could be able to reduce the crime rate and protect people from a lot of crises. Typical spider-man stuff.

Spider Man: Miles Morales - Miles Swinging

Gameplay of Spider Man: Miles Morales

Like other spiderman games, this game also includes webswings and web shoots but in this game Miles got some new powers too. These powers are basically hand picked from the animated movie.

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Miles can make himself nearly invisible in the game to avoid detection from the enemies in the missions.

Venom Blast

Miles can generate a very powerful shockwave which can even break the chains. It can even paralyze your enemies for a short instant.

Mega Venom Blast

When Miles employs this ability, his eyes glow with yellow energy, which then explodes outwards in a radiant burst that can not only repel a large group of opponents, but also destroy thick ropes and chains that have been used to restrain him. This application of the strike leaves him "dizzy and useless", and cannot be used multiple times rapidly without recharging.

Spider Man: Miles Morales - Invisibility Attack - Game Wrap

New Suit for Spider Man

Miles Designs his own new suit which is different from other spiderman costumes. He designs him as black and red. In the animation & in the game, I am telling you guys this suit is going to be too much awesome then the previous ones. Honestly, i'm tired of the red & blue theme, We need something NEW!

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Release date for Spider Man: Miles Morales

As of yet, there's no certain information on the release date. However, we're most likely to see an announcement with proper release dates & more in Q4 2020, fingers crossed.

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