The Last of Us 2 has been released on PS4 and PS4 Pro

3 years ago

Incase you've been living under a rock, you'd already know this but to the few who didn't, The Last of Us II has been released and it is been priased by the masses

Incase you've been living under a rock, you'd already know this but to the few who didn't, The Last of Us II has been released and it is been priased by the masses. 

A quick run down of whats happening

Five years after the events of the first game, Joel and Ellie are living in Tommy's settlement in Jackson, Wyoming. During this time, Ellie has made friends with Dina and Jesse, and entered a relationship with Dina after the couple broke up. In the winter, when Joel and Tommy go missing while observing the movement of nearby Infected, Ellie and Dina go to investigate. Joel and Tommy encounter Abby, and the group escape a large horde.

Abby reveals herself as the leader of a small group within the larger Washington Liberation Front and the daughter of one of the Firefly surgeons Joel killed while saving Ellie, and beats Joel to death as Ellie finds him. Though affected by the incident, Ellie swears revenge.

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The stuff we already know from sony

Ellie, now hellbent on a revenge, hunts down those responsible for a seemingly unforgivable crime. This pursuit takes our teenage heroine away from the rural pastures of Jackson County and deep into the urban overgrowth of Seattle, a city that experienced a very different kind of societal breakdown to The Last of Us' Boston, and thus poses its own unique threats to Ellie's survival. 

I think giving you any more details beyond that would spoil it, but suffice to say that what starts out as a fairly straightforward revenge tale turns into something far more complex, surprising, and sinister. As with the original game, Naughty Dog cunningly exploits the interactivity of its medium with masterful assuredness, forcing players to take a cold, hard look at every action they make as Ellie, with all the discomfort and distress that entails.

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It's 25 hour campaign is full of jaw-dropping moments that the studio is known for, many of which are enough to leave you thinking about them as you go to bed that night, if not make you cry. The Last of Us Part 2 is unforgiving in its depiction of violence, nihilism, and the nebulousness of morality in a world without laws.

The Last of Us 2 has been released and is now available to purchase on the PS4 and PS4 Pro as of May 19th, 2020.

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