Ubisoft's Hyper Scape, an all-new F2P battle royale enters invite only beta and here's how you get in

3 years ago

Hyper Scapr is an all-new free-to-play battle royale shooter from the Montreal-based team behind Rainbow Six Siege that will attempt to carve out its own path

Ubisoft showed us their new Battle Royale, Hyper Scape on thursday. Hyper Scape is an all-new free-to-play battle royale shooter from the Montreal-based team behind Rainbow Six Siege that will attempt to carve out its own path in the highly competitive genre.

Hyper Scape is a much more futuristic-styled BR game set in a sprawling urban city, a departure from the usual barren landscapes and apocalyptic settings used by many of its current competitors. It’s also a whole lot faster and more chaotic than what most players might be used to. In Hyper Scape, players fight their way through the unique districts of Neo Arcadia, a virtual city featuring imposing landmarks that bring verticality to the next level. Engage in high-stakes combat as you explore its streets, interiors, and rooftops.

Unlike most battle royales and hero shooters, there are no weapon rarity or mod systems, no unique hero abilities or ultimate attacks, and no consumable health items or armor.

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Every player in Hyper Scape can use any weapon and upgrade it to its max potential by finding other versions out in the world. With the tap of a button, you can then combine the two to create a more powerful gun. The same is true of abilities: instead of relying on specific character traits, anyone can find these abilities as loot and equip up to two at a time.

The abilities mentioned include a healing ability, an ability that lets you pull up a wall of cover, and one that encases your character in a protective orb that lets you bounce away to safety.

Hyper Scape offers two ways to win: Fight to be the last one standing, or capture the Crown that spawns near the end of the match. Keep possession of the Crown for long enough, and you and your squad will claim victory!

Ubisoft's Crowncast Twitch extension allows viewers to vote on game-changing effects that impact all players in real-time! More features are coming soon, such as Squad invite and Battle Pass progression!

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">âš  WARNING âš  <br>Please ensure your Twitch and Ubisoft accounts are properly linked for a chance at a Drop! <a href="https://t.co/Zxt8NaXSKp">pic.twitter.com/Zxt8NaXSKp</a></p>&mdash; Hyper Scape (@HyperScapeGame) <a href="https://twitter.com/HyperScapeGame/status/1278727786212069377?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">July 2, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

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Hyper Scape has been officially revealed and is playable now through an invite-only beta. Currently, upwards of 450K viewers are tuning into Hyper Scape streams, and keys will be given through Twitch drops for viewers to gain access to the tech test.

How To Access Hyper Scape Beta

To get into the Hyper Scape beta, you have to link your Ubisoft and Twitch accounts and watch Hyper Scape streams with drops enabled. The Hyper Scape account on Twitter has provided the following step-by-step instructions:

  1. Visit the Ubisoft Drops page and select "get started."
  2. Select "login with Twitch."
  3. Authorize your Twitch account.
  4. Login to or create a Ubisoft account.
  5. Verify your Ubisoft account on the Ubisoft Account page.
  6. Head to Twitch and watch Hyper Scape streams with drops enabled.
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Platforms That HyperScape is available on

  • PC
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